Thursday, December 31, 2009
A decade under the influence, what 2000-2009 meant to me.
Brad's Top 10 Films of the 2000's
9. No Country For Old Men (2007) - Having never seen a movie with Javier Bardem before I saw this movie and the guy sold me completely on his character. Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones are given's in almost any movie you put them in. The cat and mouse game between Bardem and Brolin is solid throughout and the cameo by Woody Harrelson doesn't completely kill the movie.
8. Wall-E (2008) - If this movie doesn't bring a tear to your eye you're inhuman. Also, the recycling and exercise subtexts are a nice touch.
7. Star Trek (2009) - JJ Abrams is a better director than Michael Bay and this proves it. You can make a movie biased on a franchise and you don't have to make it explosion porn, you can have a story, you can have layered characters, you can make a good movie off of a popular title with a large fan base and not disappoint people.
6. any Lord Of The Rings movie (2001-2003) - Peter Jackson used to be a fat hump who had an epic beard, now he just has the epic beard. Watched as a episodic movie it serves as an awesome cinematic experience, a little draining, but awesome nonetheless.
5. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - Rushmore was one of my favorite movies in high school and this movie stands out more than The Life Aquatic did to me. Wes Anderson is a great director and his newest movie The Fantastic Mr. Fox is slowly growing on me.
4. Inside Man (2006) - Clive Owen is hands down my favorite actor, Denzel is a close 2nd, I had forgotten this movie was directed by Spike Lee until I imdb'd it.
3. The Dark Knight (2008) - Christopher Nolan knows how to paint Gotham City, after Joel Schumacher ruined the batman franchise with Ledger's death polarized a movie that already promised to be intense and it only made the Joker role all the more haunting. Michale Caine as Alfred described the character perfectly "some men just want to see the world burn."
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Charlie Kaufman scripted a movie that I first saw days after breaking up with my first real girlfriend, I cried. Hard. I just remember feeling the way Jim Carrey's character Joel felt in the scene where he's driving his car and sobbing as he listens to a tape on his radio. Jim Carrey is known as a comedian, but this movie is hands down his best work as a lead actor.
1. City of God (2002) - Growing up I thought Brazil was a tropical paradise that had women with huge boobs, awesome beaches, and a giant jesus statue (and Bob Burnquist, I really liked skateboarding.) After watching this I my entire opinion of that country changed in a heart beat, it's like a third world version of The Wire.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Only Good Thing About Your City: Philadelphia
Ah, Philadelphia. The nation’s first capital city. Home to the Liberty Bell and Philly cheesesteaks. I am going to be honest Philadelphia, the only good thing about your city is It’s Always Sunny. I would much rather spend an evening at Paddy’s than at a Sixers game.
76ers: Originally the Syracuse Nationals of the NLB, moved to Philly in the 60’s. In 1965 they acquired Wilt “I have slept with thousands of women, the Stilt" Chamberlain. Later that season their championship dreams were shattered by none other than the Boston Celtics. The following season they would go on to beat ‘em and win it all. The most recent championship they have won since was in the 1982-83 season. Despite many conference and division titles since their big win, they have been unable to repeat success. Allen Iverson is perhaps the greatest player in Sixers history. Fast forward 9 years, things are not looking too hot but ey, with 5-8 at least they’re better than the Nets.
Flyers: The Flyers were brought to your city in 1966. Their only Stanley Cups were won nearly thirty-five years ago. Kudos on being one of the all-time most winningest teams in the NHL. They have been division champs many times, but have not held the title since the 03-04 season. Last conference championship was thirteen years ago. Meh, hockey.
Phillies: The very first World Series win for the team came while Pete Rose still had a good name. With that win, finally the last of the original major league teams would have World Series title. Jesus, it took them long enough. Fast forward twenty-eight years and BAM! Two back to back appearances. After struggling for so long it was about time they came around. As a Yankee fan, I really dislike the Phillies. I don’t hate them or anything but I could do without a few of their players (especially you, Chase Utley). I’m not a total douche and can step away from my blue and white haze long enough to give credit where credit is due. The Phillies are one hell of a team. They’re strong on both sides of the field. I know it hurt you guys to lose this one with the loss of Harry Kalas.
Before 1999 the Eagles had fifteen playoff appearances and six division championships. The Andy Reid/Donovan McNabb era ushered in success including seven playoff appearances and five NFC East titles It seems they just can’t make it ALL-THE-WAY. Last August they picked up reformed citizen Michael Vick fresh out of prison to compliment Donovan McNabb. I still haven’t gotten used to seeing him in green and white.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The only thing good about your city: New Jersey
National Hockey League:
New Jersey Devils- A franchise who started out as the Kansas City Scouts, then transformed into the Colorado Rockies, then moved to New Jersey in 1982. Wayne Gretzky once so famously dubbed them a "Mickey Mouse Organization" after his Edmonton Oilers trounced them 13-4. The Devils would epitomize what it is to be from New Jersey for the first twelve years of their existance. That is to say, they were made fun of by pretty much everyone else. That would all change however in 1993 when rookie Martin Broduer was the standout net minder for the devils and they made a suprising run for the stanley cup. With Broduer in net the Devils would go on to win two more Stanley Cups and on the way to that Broduer has obtained the most wins out of any goalie in NHL history.
National Basketball League:
New Jersey Nets- Let me forward this by saying at the time I wrote this the 2009 New Jersey Nets were an astounding 0-10. This is all you really need to know about the Nets.
The New Jersey Nets started out as ABA franchise "The New Jersey Americans" The Nets have never won a NBA title, nor have they ever been taken as a serious playoff contender, even through at one point on their roster they featured a combination of Jason Kidd and Vince Carter. Mikhail Prokhorov, Russia’s richest man, recently became the owner of the Nets and has solidified his intent to build a stadium in Brooklyn, Great, now New York City can have two shitty basketball teams.
Are you looking forward to wendsday's post on Philly where I dig into my beloved city? Well, guess what? I'm not gonna give you the pleasure. Guest Blogger Lauren Krebs is gonna write her supposed distain for Philly (she's both a giants and yankees fan) and she's a woman who knows sports, so that instantly makes her a more appealing blogger than me.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Only Good Thing About Your City: New York
National Football League:
New York Jets- Formed as an AFL team in 1960 as the Titans of New York (they would adopt the titans throwback jerseys as a 3rd uniform in 2007). The Jets are most famous for their win over the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III (their only super bowl win) in with their QB "Broadway" Joe Namath in 1969 (many people are quick to point out this season my be the sole reason why he is in the hall of fame, his final season he threw 4 TD passes and 16 interceptions). The Jets The team would go on to stumble it's way through the 1970's and in the 1983 draft would pass on future hall of famer Dan Marino for Ken O'Brien. Most recently the Jets drafted USC QB Mark Sanchez, who despite showing great promise in the first half of the season, has shown signs of weakness and all around USC-doucheness as of late.
New York Giants- Now, I could talk how everyone should be eternally grateful to the new york giants for stopping what could have potentially been the perfect storm of smugness emanating from boston fans after Super Bowl XLII where the 18-0 patriots lost to the Giants. But let's be real for a second, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna talk about Lawrence Taylor doing boat loads of coke, Plaxico Burress shooting himself in the leg, and former Giant (and current New Orleans Saint) Jeremey Shockey being a huge pile of University of Miami Douche. Those are the images I conjure up whenever I think of the New York Giants. Well, them and Chuck Bednarik hitting Frank Gifford so hard he was forced into retirement (I actually get a chubby when I watch that hit)
National Basketball Association:
New York Knicks- HOO BOY DO THE KNICKS BLOW. I mean, jesus, when you think of the knicks you're thinking of a team on par with a pick up game at your local rec league.You wanna know how bad they are? They paid Isiah Thomas to be a head coach of their team. The Knicks haven't won a NBA Championship in 36 years, and they haven't even been relevant in terms of playoff contention since Patrick Ewing played for them. Wanna know how bad they are? In a fictional universe Whoopi Goldberg was a head coach and it worked out better for them than what they're doing in real life.
National Hockey League:
New York Islanders- The Isles have won four (4) stanley cups in their history, but not one in the last 20 years and in the last five years they have won two playoff games while losing an astounding 184 games, The Islanders are hands down one of the worst franchises
New York Rangers- While it's so easy to hate the Rangers for the team they have currently (they feature uber-douche Sean Avery as one of their defensive players) it's easy to overlook Brian Leetch and Mike Richter, two of the best american hockey players to play the game. Mostly though, It's just super easy to hate the Rangers. The Rangers have been known as a team where good careers go to die. Notably, at various points in history the Rangers had Wayne Gretzky, Pavel Bure, Theo Fleury, Eric Lindross, and Alexi Kovalev on their rosters. None of those players brought any substantial success to the Rangers.
National Baseball League:
New York Yankees- 27 world series championships. Any time you ask anyone anything about the New York Yankees that's what they'll come up with. as impressive as that may be, understand something, that team has been around since the turn of the century, literally, 1901 was their first year in existence, so I've crunched the numbers here and that's one championship every four years, the yankees also lead the league in world series losses (13). There is no franchise in pro sports with more history than the yankess, which also give you plenty to hate about them. Babe Ruth was a fat, prostitute propositioning, cigar smoking, pitcher who is well known for being considered the Home Run King (despite Hank Aaron braking his record and then a steriod enhanced mongoloid breaking his in return) but is also the all time strikeout king. Lou Gerhrig once punched an orphan, that orphan would become Marilyn Monroe who would in turn get punched around by Joe DiMaggio. Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris were closeted homosexuals and spent a lot of time together if you know what I mean (note: I may or may not have made that up, well, the stuff about DiMaggio is true, he went Chris Brown all over Marilyn Monroe) then after being a shell of it's former self the Yankees were bought by George Steinbrenner and he named Billy Wagner as manager then brought in Reggie Jackson and began a tradition of hiring managers that know what they're doing, firing them and taking the side of the self-absorbed players. Steinbrenner would make a habit of simply buying players outright from their teams inorder to construct what would on paper be an all-star team made up of the best players from around the league thusly diluting the level of competition and making my hatred for them on par with that of the Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, and Pittsburgh Penguins.
New York Mets- as much as I hate the Yankees, and trust me, I hate them plenty, my scorn for the residents of Queens is even higher, although given their penchant for imploding down the stretch (and in the case of the 2009 season not even competing at all) it brings great joy to my face to watch them fail so hard. I'm not gonna go into the history of the mets so much, well, at all really because who cares? The mets transcend being a shitty team, they embody and embrace being one. All you need to know about the mets is that they will always live in the shadow of the yankees, despite their best efforts to appear as the yang to their yin.
Well. That's another city down, and another 7 franchises, bringing us to a mere 101 teams left. Next post is gonna be New Jersey, after that Is gonna be Philly, which I won't be writing, but will be featuring a guest writer: Lauren Krebs. and despite her handicap (she's both Yankee and Gator fan) she is quite knowledgeable on sports and can come up with some funny material, which will be a pleasant change around here. She might quite literally be the Peggy Olsen to my Don Draper. I like to envision myself as Don Draper as much as possible, just with scotch instead of Rye, mmm scotch.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Only Good Thing About Your City: Buffalo
National Football League-
Buffalo Bills: Historically there are four teams that define futility in the NFL. The Bills are one of those teams. Wanna know how many super bowl wins they have? big fat zero. Playoff appearances in the last, oh, let's say decade? Zero. The Bills are so bad, I'm fairly confident UF could beat them. Currently the Bills have on their roster Terrell Owens, a man so distracting he can singlehandedly cause a team to implode a pun itself faster than a Red Giant. The Bills may become the first NFL team to move to canada, They play one game a season in in the Rodgers Centre in canada and would effectively make Toronto the proud owners of one of the NFL's worst franchises.
National Hockey League-
Buffalo Sabers: The Sabers have shown flashes of greatness, When Dominick Hasek and Michale Peca played for them many people considered the Sabers perennial playoff contenders. Joining the league in the '70-'71 season the Sabers are in the "Never won a stanley Cup" club. Their Current goaltender Ryan Miller is widely considered the second coming of Mike Richter, that is, a highly talented American goaltender.
Buffalo is hard to hate mainly because of how harmless they are. their fanbases are nowhere near as annoying as their cousins in NYC, and their neighbors to the east in Boston. Buffalo fans are one of the most tortured groups of people who've endured some terrible teams in their history, and it's just fun to make jokes at their expense. 14 down, 108 to go. Next post: New York City. (if you hadn't noticed the pattern, I'm going from North to South, East to West.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The only Good Thing About Your City: Boston
Major League Baseball:
Boston Red Sox- Remember how earlier I said the Florida Panthers trading Roberto Luongo was the wort trade in the shitory of hockey? Well, many people regard the Trade of Babe Ruth for the off-broadway play No, No, Nanette the worst trade in the history of sport. After the sale of Ruth, the sox would be plagued by the imaginary "curse of the bambino" for the next 86 years the most polarizing example of this was during the 1986 world series where Mookie Wilson hit a ground ball between Bill Buckner's legs. The "curse" ended with a shitty Jimmy Fallon rom-com.
National Hockey League
Boston Bruins- Saying the Bruins are the most likable team in boston is on par with asking what is your favorite terminal disease. The Bruins have been around since 1924 and have won the Stanley Cup five times. In 1966 the Bruins had what may people consider the greatest hockey player of all time: Bobby Orr. Orr would be credited for revolutionizing the defenseman position and be named MVP of both stanley cups he won with the Bruins, To this day he is the only defenseman to win the NHL's season scoring title. Orr, coincidently, was the last captain for the Bruins to win a stanley cup.
National Basketball League:
Boston Celtics-Founded in 1946 their 17 Championships are the most in the NBA. Bill Russel became the first African-American to be in a NBA starting line up in 1964. In 1979 the celtics drafted Indiana State forward Larry Bird, for the next decade him and Michigan State point guard Magic Johnson would represent the most anticipated matchup in the NBA. Once Bird retired the celtics went from a once proud franchise to the epitome of suck and it would take a complete team overhaul and the addition of Kevin Garnett for them to win another Finals series. Bird's last Championship with the Celtics was 1986, it wouldn't be for another 22 years when KG arrived that they would win again.
National Football League
New England Patriots- Contrary to many of their fans belief, they existed well before 1992. 1960 was the actual year the Boston Patriots were founded as an AFL franchise. This team is what many people believe to be the source of the epidemic that is "Massholes" that is the insufferable boston area sports team that has a unshakable belief that their teams are vastly superior to all others and that anytime they lose some cruel injustice has been wrought on the world, need solid proof of the massholes existence? listen to a Bill Simmons podcast, or read one of his columns, he will speak to no end his profound love of his boston teams. Also, Bill Belichick might be satan, or at least a shareholder in haliburton.
Honestly, I held back berating these teams, The two I find it easiest to hate are the sox and pats, and that's mostly do to the intolerability of their fan bases, if there was some state-sponsored genocide of the fans of those teams I would sign up to be one of the executioners in a heart beat just so I would never have to deal with their collective stupidity ever again.
Alright, so, after this post it now puts me at having done 12 out of 122 teams only 110 more to go! or until I die of exhaustion!
The only Good Thing About Your City (Cities): Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal
National Hockey League:
Montreal Canadians: One of the "original six" The Canadians have won more stanley cups than any other team in the NHL (24) despite not having won one in sixteen years. The Canadians are responsible for the monster that is Patrick Roy, when Roy was a rookie he was the goalie for their stanley cup winning team in 1986. In the 2004-05 season they adopted Youppi, the former mascot of the then recently departed Expos, and equally as boring, their former mascots were the children of players or management.
Calgary Flames: Now, depending who you ask, the flames either started as the Calgary Tigers in 1921 or the Atlanta Flames in 1972. Either way they are one of two teams situated in the province of alberta, the other being the Edmonton oilers, who I'll get to later. Staying on the Mascot bandwagon, the Flames are responsible for the NHL's first mascot, Harvey the Hound, because canadians are boring you see, What a dog has to do with fire, I don't know, maybe they doused him in gasoline and lit him on fire before throwing him from a speeding car on a freeway, or maybe it was some epic foreshadowing of Mike Vick, who knows. The flames have won a stanley cup in the 88-89 season and made an unexpected run to the cup in 2004 causing then Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin to dub them "Canada's Team", oh good, an analogy to the Dallas Cowboys, there's your reason to hate them.
Edmonton Oilers: If you count years in the WHA (World Hockey Association, and don't worry I don't) the Oilers were founded in 1971, however they officially became a NHL team in 1979, and proceeded to own the NHL's ass for the next half decade. Responsible for introducing the world to the likes of Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier, Paul Coffey and Grant Fuhr. Now if only they could find some players in the present...
Vancouver Canucks: I give those canadians one thing, they sure are crafty when it comes to coming up with names for their teams. Canadians, Canucks, hell, why not just name one of your teams "People who live north of the US" it's like you people don't even try. They were on the lucky end of what many people call "the worst trade in the history of the NHL, EVER". Trading away Todd Burtuzzi, Alex Auld, and Bryan allen to the Florida Panthers for Roberto Luongo (Luongo still plays for the canucks, while none of the three still play for the Panthers). The Canucks are one of thirteen teams who haven't won a stanley cup.
Well, glad that whole country is over. Now onto the greatest country in the world, and to start it off, This worst fanbase in the entire country, that's right: Boston.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Only Good Thing About Your City (Cities): Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal
The province of Ottawa is home to Four major sports teams. From what I gather a province is a goofy canadian version of a state, so they're basically the New York of Canada. Toronto and the city of Ottawa all reside in this province, which, more or less makes my argument valid. From what I hear Toronto is a pretty awesome place, I'll never know because I'm a red-blooded, capitalism loving american. Now, onto the teams!
Major League Baseball.
Toronto Blue Jays- Formed In 1977 The Blue Jays are now the only MLB team in Canada, with the former Montreal Expos moving to Washington DC in 2004. They have two World Series victories in 1992 and 1993 Defeating The Philadelphia Phillies and The Atlanta Braves.
National Basketball League.
Toronto Raptors- Formed in 1995 The Raptors are the only NBA team in Canada, with the former Vancouver Grizzlies moving to Memphis in 2001 (history kind of repeating itself there huh?). The Raptors were Famous for drafting Vince Carter in the 1998 Draft After his Six year Tenure he departed in 2004 and Chris Bosh has emerged as not only a Team Leader, but one of the premier players in the league. It's a shame really, because no one pays attention to any professional sports in Canada.
National Hockey League
I included the NHL because I happen to like hockey, but I have no Illusions that the majority of my readers have the same feeling toward the sport: "meh".
Toronto Maple Leafs- One of the "Original Six" The Toronto Maple Leafs have won eleven Stanley Cups are are bitter Rivals with cross, ugh, provincial rivals The Montreal Canadians. I really can't say much about the Maple Leafs, I mean, um, Mike Myers is a pretty big fan and made his terrible, terrible movie The Love Guru pretty much about the team. So, that's reason enough to hate them.
Ottawa Senators- The Current iteration of the Senators have been around since 1992, and have been one of the most successful franchises during their history, qualifying for the playoffs in 11 of the past 12 years and having one of the league's highest attendance numbers (around 19,000 per game, which is more than most Jacksonville Jaguars games....)
Woo! four down one hundred and eighteen more to go! Tomorrow: The rest of Canada! Getting America's hat out of the way!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hey, New York, Fuck You!
Fuck You Hideki Matsui. You're a DH, which is a polite way of telling you "you're old and we don't want you in the field, but here, you can hit for our pitcher" speaking of which
Fuck you Mariano Rivera. "the greatest world series closer of all time" hard to debate that, I'll give you that, but you know what, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Fuck You Johnny Damon: you look like the missing link you ugly fuck.
Fuck You Derek Jeter: Captain of the yankees, is like saying "King of douches"
Fuck You Alex Rodriguez: you suck out luod in the playoffs, just be glad Ryan Howard decided he didn't wanna do shit otherwise you'd be fucked.
Fuck You Mark Texera: You're a former brave and angel. I don't need a reason to hate you, you've given my two already.
Fuck You Joba Chamberlain: You tubby fuck, have fun eating your weight in cream cheese after the game.
and the final fuck you.
Fuck You Yankees Fans: god you people are annoying, I take that back, Fair-weather and bandwagon fans are annoying, Knowing plenty of people who are misplaced New Yorkers who live in florida, quite a few of you were rooting for the Rays last season. we have 27 world championships, yeah, well you have two in the past decade, where were you people when you were playing like shit and blowing 3-0 playoff leads to the Red Sox and making those fans insufferable? I blame you fucks for that shit. Fuck You, hard. I hope you people get turned into a Human Centipede
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Lawyers made me change the title of this entry so I wouldn't get sued
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Week In Sucktitude: Week 1
BONUS!Street Fighter II edition Aaron Rodgers

Friday, September 11, 2009
50 songs I like
1. Brand New "At The Bottom"
A friend of mine told me listening to this new album would require some adjusting, she was dead wrong.
2. Clipse "Mamma I'm so sorry"
Pusha T and Malice are maybe my two favorite rappers, Clipse is the Virginia Soundtrack
3. Cobra Starship "I may be rude but I'm the truth"
It's not the best song on their new album by a long shot, but the lyrical content was described to me as "Brad's Theme Song" by a friend. Couldn't be more true.
4. Common "Universal Mind Control"
As a Solo artist Common may be the best rapper out right now
5. David Rush "Shooting star ft. LMFAO, Kevin Rudolph, Pitbull"
Kevin Rudolph's hook backed by LMFAO's beat is pretty much the best part of this song, the video is pretty good as well
6. A Day to Remember "If It means a lot to you"
ADTR might be your stereotypical hardcore band, but their slow songs are hauntingly relatable (at least for me) the lyrics of this one work for someone who's deployed (like yours truly)
7. Fall Out Boy "The (Shipped) Gold Standard "
This album is pretty sub-par as a whole, but this song stands out as a throw back to "Take This To Your Grave"
8. The Format "Dog Problems"
The fall of 2007 I was stationed at Fort Eustis VA. I met a girl there who I thought at the time was the most awesome person ever, she made at least 4 other guys feel that way on my floor. yeah.
9. Incubus "Stellar"
my favorite Incubus song, inspite of the lyrics making absolutely no sense.
10. Jimmy Eat World "The Authority Song"
This album came out when I was in middle school, I will still listen to it more than 3OH3!, fuck that band sucks.
11. John Mayer "Why Georgia"
I've honestly felt like that song described my first semester in college, I wanted to go home every day and I second guessed almost everything I did.
12. Justin Timberlake "lovestoned/I Think she knows"
house party anthem that I play when I would clean my apartment
13. Kid Cudi "Day and Night"
when the fuck is this album coming out? every song cudi has a guest appearance on someone's CD becomes my favorite on that album.
14. Kanye West "Welcome to heartbreak ft. Kid cudi"
case and point, only real good song on that CD, mainly cause it's not yeezey singing
15. The Killers "All these Things I've Done"
I wrote "I've got soul but im not a soldier" on my cleats in Hs football, now I have no soul and I'm a soldier, funny how that worked out.
16. lil' Wayne "Shooter"
so The Carter 2 may be better than The Carter 3, who cares, weezy address critics and has Robin Thicke backing him up. classic track.
17. Ludacris "Welcome to Atlanta"
Jermaine Dupree is terrible at rapping, this is no secret.
18. MGMT "Electric Feel"
I think every hipster party I went to played this song, katy perry did a horrendious cover of it, but she openly kisses girls so it's hard to fault her on anything really
19. Muse "Supermassive Black Hole"
My sister told me this song was used in Twilight, there is a reason why I won't be buying the new Muse CD
20. New Found Glory "Hit or Miss"
I bought this CD back in middle school and it was one of three that I've had break due to over use, Blink 182's dude ranch and the godzilla Soundtrack, why I'm admitting to the third one is beyond me.
21. The offspring "The Meaning of life"
The offspring will forever hold as place in my heart, Klosterman has Kiss, Joe has NOFX, I have The Offspring
22. Panic! at the disco "The only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage"
Panic! is the lyrical little sister to Fall Out Boy (this is no secret) im convinced if FOB put out a power pop album (semantics) no one would be able to tell the diffrence
23. Pearl Jam "Alive"
heh, pearl Jam means semen, now you know, and knowing is half the battle
24. Pharrell "Number one (ft. Kanye West)
Pharrell's solo albums never do as well as albums he's helped produce why is this? throw back to when kanye was just being a douche, not a singing douche
25. The Postal Service "against all odds"
Phill collins cover? Check electronic feedback? check eardrums blown due to the first 1:22 of listening to that? check and check
26. Queens of the Stone Age "Sick, Sick, Sick"
Drew Magary of KSK once claimed that this CD rocks so much face (im paraphrasing at best) I dunno what that means and yet here I am agreeing with him
27. Rage Against the Machine "Guerilla Radio"
despite being a K-mart Che, Zach de la rocha's final lines in this song served as a pre-game huddle speech for me once.
28. Say Anything "We Killed it"
I remember being dumped last semester and reverting to being a recluse who barely left his apartment and thinking this song would have been playing
29. Secret handshake "Summer of '98"
I sent this song to a girl l like who happens to live in texas, she still talks to me, could be a good sign
30. Silversun Pickups "It's nice to know you work alone"
I actually like the new album, I have nothing else about this song other than it's pretty good
31. Smashing Pumpkins "The beginning is the end is the beginning" inspite of being the theme song for watchmen and a batman movie, it still retains some credibility as a standard late 90's pumpkins song
32. T.I. "What You Know"
I remember Lake Worth High selling a bunch of T.I inspired Trojan shirts during basketball season, i wanted to shove downa nd step on the spine of any white kid I saw wearing one.
33. Third Eye Blind "jumper"
If this song doesn't bring a tear to your eye your heart has to be made of ice
34. Thom Yorke "The Eraser"
for those introverted moments
35. Thrice "Digital Sea"
bands like thrice I have major respect for due to their willingness to step outside what they normally do and try something different, and when it actually works, well, then consider myself a fan.
36. Thursday "signals over the air"
I have a habit of listening to my fair share of emo, why? cause fuck you that's why.
37. Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Zero"
Karen O might be insane. I hear she also sleeps with random fans, one reason to continue to listen to them.
38. Birdman and lil wayne "Army Gunz"
you have to be pretty arrogant (or uninspired) to sample yourself
39. Blink 182 "Shut up"
I remember when I first heard Blink was gonna name a Cd "Take off your pants and jacket" I had to explain the name slowly to my girlfriend at the time, she just did that upward nod and went ohhhh im farily confident she thought I had autism.
40. Bloc Party "Helicopter"
when I first got my xbox 360 the only game I had was project gotham racing 3, this was the only song I could will myself to listen to on that game, fucking euros and their electronica
41. The Fall of Troy "Act one, Scene one"
I remember I didn't care much fo this song but my sister loved it, it grew on me, I wish i could scream though.
42. Paramore "Misery business"
the only song with female vocals I have no shame singing along to
43. Gym Class heroes "Taxi Driver" if you can Identify more than four bands mentioned in that song we were probably friends in high school
44. Brand New "I will play my game beneath the spin light"
"if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring" christ, jessey lacey has angst
45. Jay -Z "Death of Autotune (D.O.A.)"
maybe the only good song on the new album
46. Postal Service "nothing better"
this duet with Jenny Lewis was a staple of many of my attempts in vain of salvaging relationships
47. Say anything "Yellow cat (slash) red cat"
being a lazy and otherwise unproductive person (when not in uniform) this song has described many a day for me
48. Jack Johnson "better together"
My mother and I have had a duet of this song on many a car ride. my mommy > your entire family
49. Fall Out Boy "I've got this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers"
As someone who has no current desire to ever marry the title of this song works as well as the actual lyrics themselves
50. Brand New "Degausser"
I have this song tattooed on me I love it so much
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I only hurt the ones I love, myself
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The week In Rage: who to blame first
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Tea Party Tyranny | |||| | ||||
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Twitter and You: Super Happy Internet Fun Time
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Phillies have lost their voice
Saturday, April 11, 2009
DIY: being less slovenly
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Oh, I'm not a professional anymore, I'm just a narwal loving private citizen
Monday, April 6, 2009
What I learned after Watching one episode of The Hills
International Playas Anthem
Opening Night
Monday, March 30, 2009
Inner turmoil: Mango Salsa v. Roasted Garlic Hummus
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Brad Newton and Jason Segal, long lost...relatives? dopplegangers? whatever it is we're pretty much alike
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Who are you again?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Your Move Bitch
Monday, March 2, 2009
As promised, part one in Brad Newton's "Recipes for disaster for an appetite for destruction for the enlightened connoisseur of foods"
Week in rage: what else can piss brad off
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Adventures of Joeington Banks and BNEW: gotta have me my boats n hoes

Friday, February 20, 2009
week in rage : states that need to be nuked off the map for 100, alex
1. Auto companies. Really? You already need more money? Obama has barley been president for a month and you're already hitting him up for more money? You ever have a family member ask you for money, only to call you right back and ask for even more? Like the first check hasn't even cleared yet and this guy wants more. Here's a clue. Stop spending absurd amounts of money on your own old greedy asses and take a pay cut of your own, rodger goodell just did it, I doubt you'll notice that insted of making 80 million you're only gonna make 60 so a few more people can keep their jobs and we can get this abysmal economy back on track.
2. Alex Rodriguez - your cousin injected you with "a mysterious substance"? Every time someone sticks a hypodermic needle and injects me, I make sure to ask just JUST WHAT THE FUCK IT IS BEFORE HAND. I really feel sorry for guys like griffey and greg maddox who went their careers without juicing and were more than capiable of hanging around and put up hall of fame numbers and yet don't get talked about nearly as much. Baseball is seriously fucked when a guy who is the highest paid player in the history of team sports is accused of juicing.
3. Fried Food - you know, for something so delicious you know it's going to be bad for you, and the chow hall I'm forced to go to serves primarily fried food in many forms: shrimp, catfish, corn, french fries, onion rings, some weird bastardization of an egg roll consisting of carrots, peas, and green beans all together. I love french fries, but there is a point where you feel your blood moving and you know its gotten bad. Not everythink needs to be flash cooked in greasei for one have been trying to eat healthier as part of my new years resolution (I might be the only person on earth who follows through with them) and mens health provides some awesome recepies and nutritional facts about some foods at the supermarket that are pretty helpful for trying to shed some poundage, recepies I may be posting to the blog (like baked maple honey bacon).
4. Wal-Mart - maybe the most redneck shopping outlet on earth next to bass pro shop, I saw a kids bow and arrow set and thought long and hard about the implications of a childrens instrument of death. I wear camoflague and shoot guns for a living and was scared a little.
5. The ENTIRE state of Tennessee- I make fun of Lendale White a lot, but, I think I might do it less after being in this shithole state for two weeks, or I might do it more, I dunno, I'm gonna play this one by ear, two days ago it was in the 70's which is comfortable for me, the next day it was 47, and this morning it was 18, if this trens continues it'll be -50 when I leave, while that temperature has never been recorded in the continental US I'm confident it will occur because clearly god hates this state. I think the army has a hardon for sending me to shitty places, Georgia, south carolina, missouri, and now this. For my floridian readers I will describe to you what Tennessee is, you know those streaches of the turnpike where there is nothing except for a gas station and the home of the guy who owns the gas station? Imagine an entire state of that and then memphis which is like jacksonville except smellier if you can imagine
Friday, February 6, 2009
Profiles in awesomeness: Marshawn Lynch
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Too Easy?
The Adventures of Joeington Banks and BNEW: whence batman doth involved

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Adventures of Joeington Banks and BNEW

Monday, January 26, 2009
If Mickey Rourke want's to fight Chris Jericho that's his prerogative
you know
I dunno whats worse
the fact that you said that
or that I laughed at it
I dunno if there is anything worse than a class
that is not really about literature
but the theory or idiots who overanalyze it
my dog took a shit in the shower
his head is in the right place, but the toilet is a mere foot away
at least the shower is easy to clean
yeah, it's tile too so it required minimal effort