Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2009 College Football summed up in 10 words

Bradford's shoulder. Bobby's Career. Urban's heart. Ingram's power. Carrol's wallet.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brad's Top 10 Games of the 2000's

10. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (2008)- Finally a game that can decide the age old debate, can Solid Snake kick Samus Aran's ass? oh, it also had Sonic and Mario and a bunch of other nintendo characters.

9. Counter Strike (2000)- Like to hack? Ever get pissed off so bad you want to throw your monitor out of a 5th story window? Ever wonder where the word "noob" was practically invented? Look no further. A multiplayer Half-Life mod, this game was the granddaddy to the modern FPS experience.

8. Rockband (2007)- Harmonix devoleped the perfect combination of casual and party game, with a pre-installed fan base the game allows for everyone to feel like a musician. Four players can play Bass, Guitar, Drums and Sing, the game became such a selling point Conan O'brien used the game as a segment during the 2007 writers strike.

7. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (2000)- Before Marvel split away from Capcom the company responsible for the Street Fighter franchise developed several solid fighters featuring the marvel lineup, I was super happy when this came to Xbox Live Arcade in 2009. Featuring 56 fighters and the ability to make teams of three create some incredible depth and intricate strategy, well, for a fighting game anyway.

6. World of Warcraft (2004)- 11.5 millions subscribers. The recently announced cataclysm expansion is set to cause huge changes to the game with entire zones being changed for good.

5. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)- Rockstar perfected the open world game with this one. Grand Theft Auto has always been a hot selling title, This one coupled with the DLC that has come out since the release has given fans of the series plenty to be happy about.

4. Uncharted 2 (2009)- The Game plays like a movie, but that's not a bad thing cause it's a fucking awesome movie. The game itself has some of the most beautiful visuals ever in a game and it's no wonder why this title has been named GOTY 2009 by several sources.

3. Halo 3 (2007)- Hard to believe a game that's almost three years old would still be one of the most played online games. Bungie has released a standalone "expansion" as well as four map packs since the game's release, while the single player may be lagging it's the multiplayer that has given gamers a reason to keep going back to Master Chief.

2. Left 4 Dead (2008)- Having never been a huge fan of the Resident Evil Series but a huge zombie fan was a bit of a problem most of my life. Which is why I am eternally grateful to Valve for making this game, This game requires some intense 4 player team work to survive wave after wave of zombies.

1. Fallout 3 (2008)- I can't count how many nuclear wasteland fantasies I've had where I'm humanity's last hope. This game just gave me the framework to act them out. The game has a framework for a story, but the game is pretty much left up to you. Bethesda released plenty of DLC for the game extending the already super long game tenfold adding atleast another 15 hours of gameplay.