Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twitter and You: Super Happy Internet Fun Time

As of late (read: a month ago) the media is a buzz with the micro-blogging site Twitter. Now, twitter is this place is what I like to call internet concentrate, meaning through short spurts of information (140 characters) that get relayed at will by people. My twitter is a place where I mention things that I feel don't fit in the blog (ironic cause anything really fits in here) but I would still like to share. It's web 2.0 at it's finest. Twitter is exactly what you make out of it. For example, I follow my sister, Shaq, Costa, and Olivia Munn (amongst 42 other people) that amalgam of people allows you to peek into the lives of people you find interesting. There are a lot of applications out there for twitter also, to make it more accessible. Tweet Deck Is the most popular of the third party apps, It lets you keep track of tweets, @replies and can let you check what trends people are tweeting about. Tweetie is an app that let's you iPhone users out there to keep track of your twitter and manage it. Twidriod is a similar app for the Google Android and twitberry being for, here it comes, the Blackberry.

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