Well, this spring break was about one thing. The sprit of competition. USA (me) v. Canada (Hunter). and I'm glad to report that as of midnight tonight. The US has emerged victorious. what's that? you're unaware of the competition? well. as anyone with an Xbox Live Gold account will tell you, few things are taken more seriously than one's gamer score. My roommate hunter and I have been neck and neck in gamer score all year long and the gauntlet was thrown down this week to see who's gamer score would prove higher at the end of the week. mine was a gaunt 13980 and his was a sizable 13605 . And as of midnight mine is 14774 and his is 14749. USA! USA! USA! USA! Now, I played 50 Cent: Blood in the sand and out of it I gained 680gp. Hunter, Played Dead Space and Fable 2 (my game btw). add to the fact that he's got Avatar the last airbender (bending air? but...oh i dont even know-ed), fuzion frenzy 2, and King Kong. 3 games that will give you 3000 points for simply playing through the entire game, no searching for x amnount of y, no play entire game on hardest difficulty, no, these games are simply for padding one's score. how can you take your score seriously if you have those three games, I mean, if you wanna be technical one could subtract 300gp from 14749 and you'd have 11749 and he'd be no where close, but no, as his host to this great country I must teach him that adversity is faced and overcome, so, I counted his cheaply earned 3000gp AND STILL FUCKING WON.
I feel prouder to be an american at this moment than any other moment in my life.
Enlisting in the army? fuck and yes
Obama being elected...? slightly, yes.
watching paris hilton go to jail in '07? mm toughie. yes.
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